Transaction Processing System
A TPS records and manages all the data collected or generated by an organization in its day to day operations. A TPS does not generate information. The data from a TPS is mostly used as input to other information systems.
Orders, invoices, wages, employee records.
Is the process of dividing a body of data into blocks and spreading the data blocks across several partitions on several hard disks.
Is a system that captures, enters stores, retrieves and processes the relevant details of business events, and generates the information/document necessary for running the organization and interfacing with external entities, such as customers. Transaction - is the process of dividing a body of data into blocks and spreading the data blocks across several partitions on several hard disks.
Features of Transaction Processing Systems
1. Rapid response – fast performance with rapid results
2. Reliability – well designed backup and recovery with a low failure rate
3. Inflexibility – treat every transaction equally. It may be used many times each day which means it has to be precise and inflexible
4. Controlled processing – maintain specific requirements for the roles and responsibilities of different employees.
Types of TPS
Batch processing is where the information is collected as a batch and then processed later on.
An example of batch processing is paying by cheque. Batch processing is useful for enterprises that need to process large amounts of data using limited resources Batch Processing system
Real Time Processing is where all details of the transaction are recorded and changed at the time as it occurs. Examples of real time processing are ATM’s.
The importance of data in transaction processing:
Data security is important as data is often confidential or has a commercial value, therefore, it needs to be protected from unauthorized access.