Lecture 1.
Non-scientific method of knowing:
Tenacity: clinging to beliefs such as superstition
Intuition: common-sense/self evident truths.
Authority: Accepting authority's truth (church)
Rationalistic method: Logic
Lecture 2 Exercise on Mood
Narrative review: systemic review that synthesizes individual studies narratively
Meta-analysis: results of individual studies are grouped together to draw reasonable conclusions (results are converted to effect size)
Moderator variable: affects strength + direction of IV + DV
Epidemiological studies: longitudinal studies
POMS=Profile of Mood States: vigor is positive, anger and fatigue and tension and confusion are negative
EIFI= Exercise Induced Feelings Inventory: designed to assess psyc effects of exercise in 4 areas: revitalization, tranquility, + engagement and physical exhaustion.
Mirror study: having a mirror = low tranquility and diminished ES on revitalization.
Overall ES of exercise on mood = Medium
Cognitive explanations: Expectancy hypothesis, Distraction hypothesis, Sense of mastery/achievement.
Physiological explanations: Thermogenic hypothesis, Endorphins "Exercise high", Serotonin hypothesis, Opponent - process hypothesis that the brain is designed to oppose either pleasurable/aversive emotional processes to bring system back to homeostasis.
Exercise dependence: A behavioural process in which the need for exercise is so high that it controls the persons life. Primary (good) Vs. Secondary (Bad)
Lecture 3 P.A. on Depression and anxiety
Primary prevention: Prevention in healthy people -- P.A. and non-clinical depression S-M E.S.
Secondary prevention: early treatment + resolution in people that are already sick - P.A. + clinical depression M-L E.S. (L due to an authority figure taking care of you)
Treatments: Psychotherapy (expansive), Medication (Anti-Dep. such as prozac,cellexa), Clinical depression study: exercise alone