(Three Message from Chivalry in The Excalibur)
When Merlin took Arthur from his mother and king Uther there was a big story about why he got his first born. So Arthur grew up not knowing who his real father is and when he did find out he was in aww. Arthur went through rough times to get where he got in life and he did things that were not as good as they should have been. Arthur has finally been named king of his country when he was just learning how to be a squire. Arthur’s death was not easy to handle but it happened and it took its time. Arthur went through hell and back to get where he is now and he did it while still being a man about it.
In The Excalibur, Arthur was raised by peasants that he thought was his family and he became king through what they have taught him to do. When Arthur was chasing after a man for his “brother” K’s sword he turned around to walk back and found the excalibur sitting in the rock. When Arthur pulled the sword out of the rock it was like he pulled it out of a dish of butter. As he pulled the sword out he tried to give his “brother” K the sword like it was nothing and their “father” told him to put it back so Arthur put the sword back. A knight came up and tried to pull the sword out of the rock and couldn’t …show more content…
even make it move a little, so there for Arthur has become king.
In Excalibur, Arthur was given the name king Arthur, he tried to understand why him and why he got called upon this.
When he found out who his real father was he attempted to learn how to use the sword and protect his family and people. Arthur has become the king that everybody always wanted and he then faced a men from the other side of the water which Arthur won after he accidently broke excalibur. The lady of the lake took excalibur into the water and fixed it and gave it back to King Arthur. Arthur even got married to a beautiful women and ended up having a son that hated him with his step-sister which she named Mordred. When his kingdom needed help to protect them from his son Arthur fought against
him. In Excalibur, Arthur and his son, Mordred, had to fight for the kingdom because Arthur refused to give it up to him. When they were fighting it came down to just them two because all of the other troops had died during battle. They both had fought long and hard but Arthur had excalibur and Mordred had a spear and Mordred had speared his father right through the chest. Arthur walked into him on the spear and killed Mordred. Arthur’s knight came to his side and arthur asked him to do him something. The knight asked what it was and he said throw excalibur into the lake and come back to tell what had happened. The knight went to the lake and said to himself this is too nice of a sword to just throw it into the lake so he hid it. He did that three times until he finally threw the sword into the lake and watched the lady of the lake catch it and take it under with her. The knight was in shock and hurried back to Arthur and told him what had happened. Arthur went through hell and back to get where he is now and he did it while still being a man about it. Arthur had died and he was finally happy where he was and what he had done. Arthur had lived a great life and showed people how a nobody can become something and be something great. He had proved that the little guys can do big things too. People had been sad to hear that their king died so they had to find a new one to protect them from harm and dangers.