
King Arthur Pendragon Of Camelot Analysis

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King Arthur Pendragon Of Camelot Analysis
"Where did everything go wrong?" King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot whispered to himself in the dead of night as he lay in his bed. Alone. Fitting, since his heart ached with loneliness more than ever these days.

As expected, the only answer to his rhetorical inquiry was a deafening, painful silence.

Staring up at the high ceiling of his bedchamber, his hands resting behind his head, the king thought back to earlier in the day when he'd picnicked with the vivacious Princess Mithian. Not only was the royal princess a dark-haired beauty, she was witty and a fine conversationalist. Even though she tried to put Arthur at ease during their interactions, the king found himself completely awkward around this charming woman from the first moment she
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That had been the worst of it. When Arthur heard Guinevere's contented sigh as her lips were locked with Lancelot's, that was what had done Arthur in. Arthur had gone from horrified to madman in an instant, and had drawn his sword. Blazing with fury, Arthur charged Lancelot, but Guinevere stepped between the two men. There she stood, Arthur's bride-to-be, tears in her eyes and desperation in her gaze.

But all the desperate gazes and apologies in the world were not enough. Guinevere's betrayal could never be undone.

That is why the king banished Guinevere from the kingdom of Camelot. Because after her promises of love and devotion, she had strayed. She had broken her solemn vow to Arthur to remain true. How could he ever trust Guinevere again? How could he even look at her? She'd shredded his heart with her selfish and deplorable actions. It would have been less painful if she'd just run him through. How could Merlin fail to see that?

So yesterday afternoon, instead of walking away calmly from his devoted friend and manservant, Arthur stomped toward Merlin and glared at him, seething.

"You ever say anything like that again, if you ever mention her name again, I swear you'll join her in exile forever!" Arthur had threatened before storming
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He landed on his side, now facing the pale moonlight spilling in through the mullioned window.

This isn't so bad, Arthur tried to convince himself as he gazed out at the half-moon. Mithian is kind and beautiful. After all, the princess had gently cleaned the soup he'd slopped all over the front of his chainmail during the feast to honor her arrival. And when he'd held her hand too long while bidding her a good night the previous evening, she'd been quite gracious about his blunder. That was a good thing, because he seemed to make endless silly mistakes around her. What did that mean? Why was he such a nervous clod in the woman's presence? Perhaps it did mean he felt something for the princess.

The king sat up and sighed. Yes, the princess was sweet and gentle, yet her warm brown eyes twinkled with mischief. Despite her light build, there was also an air of strength about her that was difficult to define. And she had boldly told Arthur she thought he was a handsome man and seemed to like him well enough. He could get used to her. No, he would get used to her. Marrying her was the right thing to do. Kings often married women they hated for political reasons, or to secure alliances and land, and Arthur didn't hate Mithian. He rather liked the woman. Perhaps he should be grateful and stop feeling sorry for

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