
King Duncan Eulogy

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King Duncan Eulogy
Say not in grief; “he is no more”, but live in thankfulness that he was. Kings men and friends, today, with heavy hearts we bid adieu to a remarkable man. As we stand here today to reminisce in our fond memories of our past king, though he only held the throne for a brief time. He has changed the lives of many. Today we gather to embrace his greatness, Macbeth will be dearly missed. Some may think Macbeth was a traitor, but we must not forget the greatness that shone within him his heroic acts; a brave soldier, a strong thane, and a loving husband.

In battle, Macbeth, defeated two separate invading armies—one from Ireland, led by the rebel Macdonwald, and one from Norway. Macbeth is a brave soldier and a powerful man, to embrace his battlefield valor, a brave and capable warrior, defending his

As thane


What is done is done, What’s done cannot be undone. The death of our past king Macbeth is a great loss indeed, however A death is not the extinguishing of a light, but the putting out of the lamp because the dawn has come. What is past is past, now we embrace the future and acknowledge the greatness of our past king.

Restate the focus about your thesis
Summerise points made
Reword into simple messages
Finish with a thiughful final sentence about the characters contribution to life and how those who are left behind are all the more richer for having knowin him.

-he always stood by Scotland against traitors (malcolm, Macduff etc...) - valiant and heroic in battle
-loved lady macbeth, despite her being a little delusional
-deserved the throne
- no proof he murdered duncan the teacher listed various techniques we can use in our writing such as: -witty sayings
-descriptive passage about macbeth
-tone- positive at times, sad at others
-justify/explain the controversial parts of their life (THE MOST IMPORTANT) As you can see, it can be biased

You must

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