Choose One Organelle From The Following List.
mitochondria vacuole nucleus ribosome cytoskeleton plastids-chloroplast
cell membrane cell wall golgi apparatus centriole lysosome endoplasmic reticulum (SER and RER)
Draw The Organelle.
Clearly identify the name of the organelle on your poster. Using the diagrams in your book and any other resources (book, encyclopedia, web site, etc.) draw your organelle. Show as much detail as possible and label all structures located within your organelle. You may use a variety of art supplies to create your organelle (crayons, colored pencils, markers, construction paper, yarn, or other craft/household supplies).
Identify The Function Of The Organelle. Clearly identify the function of the organelle on your poster. Using the information presented in your book and any other resource, record the function of your organelle. Use complete sentences. Make sure you indicate whether this organelle is found in plant cells, animal cells or both.
Find A Newspaper Story Headline Or Advertisement.
Find a newspaper (or magazine) story headline or advertisement that represents the function of your organelle. Attach this newspaper clip beneath your organelles function.
Clearly justify why this newspaper clip represents the function of the organelle. Place your justification beneath your newspaper clip. Use complete sentences.
Present Your Poster To The Class.
Your Grade Will Be Determined Using The Following Criteria
Does the poster accurately depict the structure of the organelle? 10points
(clearly identified, detailed drawing, clearly and correctly labeled)
Does the poster clearly identify the function of the organelle? 10points
(function is clearly stated and correct)
Is a newspaper clip representing the function of the organelle attached and justified? 10points
Quality of construction. 5points
(neatly done, complete