This verbal decree was of legislative, historical context. On September 22, 1609 in Valencia this religious cannon started in hopes to expel the newly converted Christians. The intended audience is the people of Spain and to appease to the Christians by saying how he, King Phillip III, has attempted to work tirelessly to fix the issue, the Moriscos, but now he has been called by God to expel them. Concurrently slightly pacifying the Moriscos with specific word choice of no one “may dare” mistreat any of the Moriscos. The decree is of some religious nature due to the King using God as the reason he is removing the Morisco people.
-Summary of the document
The monarchy attempted for a century to convert the Islamic people …show more content…
This caused rebellion due to the fact the Muslim people wanted to continue their Islamic customs. The rebellion was eventually defeated with the choice of immigration or expulsion. The Moriscos were feared due to intolerant christens and the fear that they were working with ottoman Turks, the biggest enemy of Spain. In the middle of the 1500’s King Phillip III demanded the destruction of Arabic culture by banning Arabic names, and only allowing children to be educated by Christian priests. More revolts started from this new ruling. King Phillip III decided to scatter the Moriscos throughout Spain in hopes that they would intermarry. The intermarrying would destroy the Moriscos culture and prevent further rebellion. At the beginning of the 17th century, a mix of economic and political motives became involved creating the need for the expulsion of the Morisco population. Spain lost the war to the Dutch, in turn, Spain lost land to the Dutch. This humiliation cost a fortune in currency and power. In hopes of regaining power in the eyes of the people Phillip decided to remove a heavily discriminated against minority group to pull the country together. King Phillip III was not a very powerful king anyway. Most of his time was spent involved in the arts or hunting. Phillip III utilized this opportunity to show his …show more content…
Whereas, the term new Christians refereed to the recently converted people from Islam. They were assumed to still be practicing their old tendencies. The term holy faith refers to Christianity in the eyes of the king. Apostasy is when the moors did not accept the new Christian religious views as their own. This document refers to Junta as the administrative council of Spain. Whereas, now it refers to the military or political power that forcibly takes power to rule a country. The term prelates refer to bishops. Aljama is the special Friday mosque and a gathering place for Muslims. The punishment for a Christian hiding a Morisco is to be in the galleys fro six years. This refers to the low flat boats that are propelled by rowing. The accused individual would need to row on these boars for six years. Now, the galley sometimes refers to the kitchen of a