Matthew Miller
Throughout history there have been many devastating and brutal dictators who have tried to create a “perfect” society, but none have been quite as impacting or devastating as the leader of the Nazi arm, Adolf Hitler. In his book Kingdom Come, Mark Waid is able to use a character named Magog to create an allegory to the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler. On way that Waid creates an allegory in the book Kingdom Come is by showing that people’s beliefs are malleable and can be changed very easy to contradict their previous beliefs. In the book, Magog is able to build himself an army of super-humans after giving a speech about the downfalls of the average human, therefore changing the views that the super-humans previously had. This creates an allegory to Adolf Hitler, where in WWII Hitler was able to create a loyal and obeying army of Nazis. Hitler was able to do this by persuading them to believe that they were creating a better society, a point that would have ordinarily sounded ludicrous to them but due to social pressure they were convinced that what they were doing was right. Much like the super-humans found in Kingdom Come. In addition, Waid uses Magog to reinforce the allegory by showing that both Magog and Adolf Hitler’s “main plan” was to purify society and create a “perfect utopian society.” In Kingdom Come once Magog has gathered an army of followers he convinces them that the next plan of action is to clean the earth by killing the “mortals.” This point furthermore reinforces Waid’s allegory by making the connection between Magog and Adolf Hitler who during WWII convinced his Nazi army to begin rounding up Gays, Black, Jews, and any others who did not fit the prototype of his “perfect society.” Finally the allegory shines through to the reader after Magog creates prisons to hold those who do not fit his ideal prototype. Once Magog and his followers begin to round up the opposed party, they begin putting them