Dispensationalists explains that the Kingdom of God as described by the prophet in the Old Testament was actually offered to Israel by Christ, however they refuse to accept him as Messiah from God therefore it was postponed, delayed for the specific time period .
What is Kingdom in this Present Age?
From biblical history it is shown that Kingdom of Heaven was …show more content…
As written by John F. Walvoord, there is a need for understanding from human standpoint as what aspects were postponed is actually not postponed from the divine viewpoint. With God, all changes and contingencies are revealed already and from the point of view of God they are considered from eternity past. According to John F. Walvoord no matter the present event of obvious change, there is basically no changes occurred in central purpose of God …show more content…
As contented by Dr. John Walvoord that the ‘postponement’ took place at the time when Jesus Christ was rejected by his own people and the consequent death on cross and revival. Due to their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah, this was the reason according to Dr. Walvoord that became the reason for kingdom delayed from immediately forming on earth and this as a result delayed until after seven year Tribulation period when the ‘revelation stage’ of Christ sets up a physical and literal kingdom and rules as King for over 1000 years .
Jesus in Matthew, were described briefly about his kingdom principles, what type of divine power he used to have and how he began to perform miracle. However the religious leaders especially Sadducees, Scribes and Pharisees conflicted with the belief and accepting Jesus as their Messiah .
According to Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe, many common people treated John with high regard, whereas there were many that repented and were baptized by John. However, religious leaders to give honor to John, and this showed their hardness and disbelief of hear. Wiersbe writes about the leaders saying that instead of being humble these leaders were stubborn and childish just like children puts because they have no other option left