From “16 million users in December 1995” to “2,749 million users in March 2013”. This is what the International Data Corporation and the International Telecommunication Union have found. Yes 2,749 million humans are using technology devices! As we move into the 21st century, technology has become an essential element of our daily life. Social networks that once didn’t exist are now one of the most essential elements of our daily life. We are living in a time where social networking usage and multitasking are controlling us; we can’t be independent anymore on this improved technology. This phenomenon has many effects on our society on education, communication and business world.
Social networking makes us smarter. Yes! Social networks do affect our education positively. We, as students, can get information easily and by just simple few clicks on any issue we want. This includes following informative accounts on twitter that tweets a lot of useful information and having on Facebook some educational pages or newspapers. In another side, one can expresses his opinion and his thoughts easily with everyone and also make him in many situations where he has to convince other people about his point of view about an issue. This improves his argumentative skills and makes him more confident. In addition instructors depend on the internet and the blogs at the first place to contact with their students and also to post their courses or assignments. This can be considered as a very easy way to access the needed material in the education of the student which affects on him in many sides. It basically increases his motivation and his self-esteem. The motivation can be considered in different perspectives, some students have great capabilities in the computer domain and may prefer using it to achieve their studies rather than depending on the traditional way of studying, others are more satisfied with the speed of the computer and the technology it can
References: : Herbet, B. Tweet Less, Kiss More. In G.H. Muller & H.S. Wienner (Eds), The short prose reader (pp307-309). New York: McGraw-Hill.