Stages of Group Development
The team is formed by the store manager. He/she picks employees based upon their work ethic and employee’s needs. Since numerous associates have young children, they volunteered to work in the morning to have the remainder of the day with their family. Others prefer to work in the morning because they can work another job later that day. If the team is understaffed, the manager will schedule individuals to work, which rarely happens.
When the team was first formed several years ago, the team exhibited the storming stage (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2012). Individuals would verbally fight over desired departments and ideas of how to set the ad within the time limit. The team was not very effective. The ads did not get done until the afternoon, and many of them were placed on the wrong shelf to meet their quota. Therefore, more stress was placed upon the …show more content…
Some of the employees only view the job as a job, and try to complete it as fast as possible while others take their time to correctly place the signs. As a whole, the group is classified to have terminal values, concerned with the end goal.
VII. Member Perception During the job, employees immediately form perceptions (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012) of their coworkers. The associates with the larger departments are considered to be the hardest working while the others with the smaller sections are considered social loafers. Moreover, the slowest performers are viewed as lazy, even though they might have a lot of ads that do not have an active plot. On the other hand, the faster performers might be placing the ads in the wrong place.
VIII. Motivation Theories This group is mostly governed by the goal setting theory. According the Organizational Behavior textbook, employees are more motivated to work “when goals are both clear and properly set (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012).” Before the group divides into their section, the pricing lead manager has a meeting to discuss how many signs need to be set, who does what area, and approximately what time they are supposed to be done. Thus, the employees know the goal to strive for within their