Knife Fish (Chitala ornata) as cooking oil
Base on this study, Knife fish is one of a pest that is mostly seen in Laguna bay. It doesn’t only help us to use this as oil for food, but it can also help us lessen the pests in Laguna. The significance of this study is to extract some fish oil from the knife fish and convert that into cooking oil, and to prove that knife fish can be used as cooking oil. Knife fish maybe considered as a pest but it is also to help lessen the pests and help our community find ways to do things in a friendly way specifically using natural elements as oil.
The researcher’s main goal in this research is to find an alternative way to have natural fish oil for food. Knife fish oil can be used as portrait oil for painting. In this situation it may serve as a way in order to save money. By doing some experiments, Knife fish can also be used as leather and a biofuel. But as high school students, we can only do knife fish as oil for food.
The scope of our study is Knife fish used as a cooking oil for the economy. The study will include Knife fish (Chitala ornata) being used as an alternative cooking oil and how they are given importance as a pest. It is focused on extracting the Knife fish’s oil and make it as a cooking oil. This study will only include the use of Knife fish as cooking oil. On the other hand, this study will not cover any other kinds of oil.
Ever since Knife fish has been a pest we decided to give importance to the fish according to the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Knife fish has no economic value as food fish but maybe it can be manufactured into cookin goil for daily food preparation.
Knife fish (Chitala ornata) can be of use as cooking oil.