SOC 203
“Knockout” is a new, weird and disturbing trend where someone
randomly punches a stranger in the streets, in hopes of getting a knockout
in the first punch. A group of kids “gang” walk by a innocent …show more content…
and, one of them sucker punches an innocent bystander attempting to
knock them out in just one punch.
It does not matter who the person is
man, women, elderly even women carrying a child are victims. It is a
very disturbing trend and at times has been deadly.
Kids these days are not learning empathy or, any valuable social skill as
far as that goes. There 's online bullying, adolescent suicide, etc. all done
because kids want to have their own “videos” such as you tube go viral.
There always seems to be someone to blame such as the internet, parents or
the saying of “it 's just the way it goes now”. Its the rise of sociopathic
The feeling to have a sense of power over the victim and among their
peers probably is what plays a large role in the knockout game. It gives
them a sense of being a man so, they think. Some are doing it just for the
“fun of it”. Making comments after the attacks like “KaPow, Wham, etc.”
There are cases across the country where they target certain groups of
people based on religion or race. But, overall the attacks are random.
Because it is a way that gangs seek power by instilling fear in people
and the violence that goes along with it. Gangs are considered one of
one of the most basic problems in society. They defy the morals and laws
that are set for them.
Social Structure and Social Process are two theories to gang related
activities such as knockout.
There are so many alternatives out there in the world today to help with
kids so, they can avoid joining into a gang. Such as after school activities,
hobbies etc.
In order for a fight against gangs to be effective there needs to be plenty
of support from the community and a lot of planning goes along with it.
But, first off a person needs to understand the reasoning as to why, how
when and where a gang operates. Learning the different types of traits
that a gang has also helps to conquer the fight against them.
There are so many types of gangs out there in today’s world that it is
impossible to keep up with them all from the new to the old. But, to
have a fresh start no matter what type of gang it is has got to be a
blessing not only to those that are seeking the help needed for
them to conquer their abusive ways. But, also for those that have fallen
victim to the gangs.
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