Chef Tiffany Henderson
July 14, 2011
Topic: Personal Leadership - Knowing yourself so you may begin exploring your own true potential.
There are several questions that must be discussed first to gain access the knowledge of oneself. The first question is “what is a personal strength?”A personal strength is having self-confidence. It is the ability to communicate with yourself in a positive manner. It is having a vision of who you want to be, how you want to live, how you want to fulfill your vision and then by having the faith to do so, you can achieve success. Personal strength is also about having independence and not depending on anyone else to tell you how to think or feel. It is the ability to make moral decisions that are best for you and then act on them. Lastly, it is about having the ability to laugh at yourself because laughter transforms pain. “Making the best of ourselves is not an easy task. It is a pleasurable pursuit, it is the reason we were born, but it requires patience, persistence, and perseverance. For many of us it also requires prayer. That is because we find it far easier to learn to live by our own lights when we access a Higher Source of Power to illuminate our path.”(Sarah Ban Breathnach)
A key aspect of confident people is that they have high self-esteem - they hold themselves in positive self-regard. This means that they know how to love themselves and that they acknowledge what they 're good at. These realizations boost their resilience and ability to take on greater challenges. Your ability to take appropriate, effective action is affected by various things in your life that may seem to have little direct relation to the task at hand. Your values are a good example of this. Your self-confidence is likely to waver if you don 't value what you excel at doing. Research shows that if you value what you 're good at, you 're likely to be highly confident in that area. If you value what you 're not so good
Cited: Merriam-Webster Online. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. 27 Nov. 1998 . Inspirational Quotes. 28 January 2009. 20 July 2011. "Id Ego and Super-ego." Wikipedia. 09 July 2011. 20 July 2011 .