Rene Descartes who is the rationalist have claimed that the ultimate starting point for knowledge is is not the senses but reason.According to Cottingham,Descartes argues that knowledge of a particular subject matter is underwritten by intuition or rational insight and deductive reasoning rather than experience of that subject matter(1984).Descartes in this case is of the opinion that the only way one can acquire knowledge is through deductive reasoning ,reasoning that aims at exactitude.In one way or other that exactitude is the one which we can now call knowledge
Descartes maintain that without prior categories and principles supplied by reason wen could not organise and interrupt one’s sense experience in any way (Kenny:1986).In this case one would be faced with just one huge ,undifferentiated,kaleidospic whirl of sensation ,signifying nothing(Kenny:1986).Rationalism in its purest form goes so far as to hold that al our rational beliefs and the entirety of human knowledge consists in human principles and innate concepts.According to Russel Descartes believes that men are born with
Bibliography: Carruthers.P.(1992)Human knowledge and human nature,Oxford:Oxford University Press’ Cottingham.J.(1984)Rationalism,London:Palada books. Fieser.P.(1991) Introduction to Philosophy.Oxford:Oxiford University Press Kenny.A.(ed).(1986)Rationalism,Empiricism and Idealism ,Oxiford:Oxiford University Press Locke.J.(1690)An essay on human understanding.(ed)R.Woolhouse.(1997).London:Panguin Books Louis.P.(2007)The theory of knowledge ,classical and temporary readings.Belment CA:Wadsworth Stitch.S.(ed)(1975)Innate ideas ,Berkely CA:Carlifonia University Press Russell.B.(1912)History of Western Philosophy .Oxiford:Oxiford University Press