Submitted to: Prof. Supratik Ghatak
Submitted by: Rohit Paudel C-41 Batch 2012-14
Knowledge Management
The following two companies use knowledge management efficiently: 1. Apple Inc. 2. Facebook
1. Apple Inc:
Knowledge Management is Apple's fundamental core competency, and the reason it is successful in its most lucrative attribute, innovation. Without knowledge management, Apple's innovation would not be relevant, because the information would get out long before the products themselves do. Apple's culture, implanted by its great pioneer Steve Jobs, is what keeps Apple employees loyal, and inevitably this translates to the brand loyalty demonstrated by the customers of the company. Apple's strengths in Knowledge Management: * Apple's ability to create knowledge (Creation of product categories [iPad]) * Apple's ability to constantly change its structure and goals with the release of every new or updated product * Apple's ability to constrain its secrets so there are limited leaks, despite the fact that its people leave at the end of every day, and its people are its greatest resource * Apple's decision to keep its software specifically and solely for its products, and vice-versa
Apple’s knowledge base: Apple creates a customer based profile by collecting information about customers and their preferences. Customers register their details on Apple’s website when they initially purchase products and or services like iCloud, MobileMe and iTunes etc. This detailed information is then aggregated and stored explicitly on database(s). The database provides more useful information about their customers so they can meet their needs and understand which of their products and services are of most interest.
Apple’s Access to Database: There are different types of files in Apple’s Databases such as employee files, Customer files,