Mathematics is science of pattern that engineers seek out whether found in numbers, space, science, computers, imaginary abstractions, or elsewhere. Knowledge and use of basic mathematics have always been an inherent and integral part of engineering. In our previous semester, basic mathematics was applied in almost every module.
From stress analysis of simple machine components to numerical description of various shapes of new gadgets( using CAD packages), from using FBDs(free body diagram) for solving out the problem in engineering mechanics to using Bernoulli equation or mass flow rate equation in fluid mechanics. From calculation of heat and mass flow in various systems to calculating of engine power or shaft power in engineering systems. From reliability in electrical power circuits in household or any other appliances to traffic in networks (tar roads and optical fibres ) , mathematics crosses boundaries in a way no other technical subject can.
The examples mentioned above are subjects of many books. Yet, they collectively fail to convey that engineering applications of mathematics have.
First semester was just revision and application of the topics covered in previous years of education and also to form a perfect base for more analytical and application based engineering principles. Mathematics and engineering go hand to hand. Without application of mathematics, engineering problem cannot be solved.
2. The application of engineering analysis to understand the behavior of physical systems.
Everything working in this universe has some or the other kind of engineering principle involved in it. Engineering analysis, when applied in the context of engineering systems, involves the application of scientific analytic principals and processes to reveal the properties and the state of the system.
To understand the behavior of any physical systems, application of various