
Known As A Noble Lie By Socrates Cave Analysis

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Known As A Noble Lie By Socrates Cave Analysis
Plato’s Republic
1. Known as a noble lie by Socrates the myth of metals tells how if any lying occurs that it could be good for the city but even better for the ruler. Socrates explains that telling citizens a useful lie will help promote allegiance to the State and the citizens will take to the three-tiered social order that is in place. The myth of metals is a thought that every citizen is born out of the earth of earth of the State and every other citizen is his brother or sister. God framed them all differently though, each person’s soul was mixed with a different metal. Gold was mixed into the soul of the rulers, silver for the auxiliaries, and brass or iron for the husbandmen and craftsmen. Socrates believes this myth is important because
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The objection Adeimantus raises at the beginning of book IV, is being a ruler sounds unpleasant. Adeimantus goes on to say that a ruler has no private wealth, therefore he cannot do the things that will make him happy, such as taking a trip or keeping a mistress. Socrates responds to this objection by reminding Adeimantus, that the goal is building the city as happy as it can be as a whole. It is not to make one group happy at the expense of another group. Socrates then goes on to explain to Adeimantus, that a city with no money will have no wealth or poverty. Adeimantus fears that they will not be able to defend against invaders, but again Socrates has a reply. Socrates says that the city will have the best warriors, and can receive help from neighboring cities in return for spoils of war. Socrates believes the size of the city should be limited so it does not grow too big to be governed under the current system. Socrates also declares that there should be no laws. He justifies this by saying, if the current education plan that is in place, guardians will be educated enough to make a decision on any problem that arises. Socrates declares the city complete. Since they have created the best city possible, it should have the four virtues: wisdom, courage, moderation, and

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