MBA- Business Administration
Marketing Plan for Two Newly Introduced Products
Submitted by: Prashant Kumar Dubey
Executive Summary
This report gives an environmental appraisal for the Kodak, UK. PLEEST tool has been adopted to do the environmental analysis. After the analysis, two new products have been introduced aiming to increase the market share of Kodak in the United Kingdom. Target segment has been selected and justification given for the choice for both the products. A detailed marketing plan consisting of details of the product and recommendations for the R&D, pricing, distribution and promotions strategies has been developed. An organization structure for the team handling the two products has been suggested and a control philosophy has also been discussed.
Academic references have been used to justify the credibility of the marketing plan and its content.
|S.No |Item Description |Page No |
|1 |Kodak: Environmental analysis |4 |
|2 |Kodak: New Products and Marketing Plan |8 |
|3 |Kodak Background: SWOT analysis |8 |
|4 |Marketing Plan: Digital camera |9 |
| | Market segmentation |9 |
| | Product |12
References: 1. Batchelor, Charles. (November 24, 2010). Employers grapple with ageing workforces. Available: Last accessed 7th Dec 2010. 2. Bogan, Stephanie and Doss, Natalie. (Oct 2010). The Marketing Plan You 'll Need. Financial Planning. 40 (10), p104-111. 3. Colvin, Geoff. (2010). Business Paralysis: Regulatory Uncertainty Means That Leaders Are Afraid To Act. Fortune. 162 (7), p65-65. 4. Frith, Scott. (Oct 2010). Updating Your Marketing Plan. Franchising World. 42 (10), p43-47. 5. George Parker and Nicholas Timmins. (29th November, 2010). Britain: Breakneck coalition. Financial Times. p1. 6. Jantsch, John. (Mar2009). 7steps to the perfect marketing plan. Entrepreneur. 37 (3), p98-98. 7. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2009). Marketing Management. 13th ed. London: Pearson- Prentice Hall. P42-70,106-126, 246-270, 414-444, 480-500, 538-602. 8. McMaster, Peter. (2008). Climate Change—Statutory Duty or Pious Hope? Journal of Environmental Law. 20 (Issue 1), p115-119. 9. Porter, M.E.. (Nov-Dec 1996). What Is Strategy? Harvard Business Review. p60-71. 11. UK Statistics Authority. (2010). Mid-2009 Population Estimates. Available: Last accessed 08th Dec 2010.