In looking at how the NSPE promotes health and welfare to the public look no further than to their code of ethics. In their code of ethics it states that they hold safety paramount and this is done by only approving documents that are conformed to applicable standards, they shall not let their name be used by or do business with a person or company that they think is engaged in fraudulent enterprises. It also states that engineers will not aid or abet unlawful practice of engineering by firm or person. These are just some of the many ways that the NSPE maintains and promotes health and welfare.
When looking at the engineers approach to risk they must find it or identify that risk first in the text risk is defined as “ a compound measure of the probability and magnitude of adverse effect”. So in an engineer’s eyes risk is looked at as the product of the likelihood of the magnitude of harm. In the text harm is defined as “an invasion of a person’s freedom or well being”. Also engineers have looked at harm as something that could be easily calculated for
Instance bad building designs can cause it to fall causing loss of profits to the owner and
Possible death to anyone occupying the building at the time of collapse. So these harms are
Measured in terms of loss of number of lives and cost of rebuilding and repairing. Engineers
Also believe that the general public is confused about risk due to the lack factual information
And likelihood of harms.
Utilitarianism way of determining risk comes in the form of costs-benefit analysis
Or risk-benefit analysis this way of thinking sees and expectable risk as “ the product of the
Probability and magnitude of the harm is equaled or exceeded by the product of the probability and magnitude of the benefit, and there is no other option where the product of