She even said that she did not like the taste of alcohol at first, but she continues many years after. Throughout high school she drinks, only on the weekends, but does not drink just drink, she drinks because it comforts her. In the chapter titled Coma Girl, her drinking has reached a climax in the book. She has blacked out, in the hospital and been tested for “date-rape” drugs. She was only sixteen years old and she was already having her stomach pumped. She was not going to stop this behavior because all her friends throughout high school and even into college drank the same way, but perhaps not for the same reasons. She reflected later in the novel that she did not “know how to achieve these things without alcohol.” (pg. 323) Alcohol served to her as an ego-booster, like a hype man behind the main rapper on stage. She symbolized alcohol as her crutch because she was shy, and felt like she could not be as brave as she was when she had alcohol in her system. Before the story even started she wrote, “I wrote life off as heavy cargo, and accepted it could only be mastered by masterful men. I was a coward. I grasped on to alcohol, which was the first available escape.” (pg.
She even said that she did not like the taste of alcohol at first, but she continues many years after. Throughout high school she drinks, only on the weekends, but does not drink just drink, she drinks because it comforts her. In the chapter titled Coma Girl, her drinking has reached a climax in the book. She has blacked out, in the hospital and been tested for “date-rape” drugs. She was only sixteen years old and she was already having her stomach pumped. She was not going to stop this behavior because all her friends throughout high school and even into college drank the same way, but perhaps not for the same reasons. She reflected later in the novel that she did not “know how to achieve these things without alcohol.” (pg. 323) Alcohol served to her as an ego-booster, like a hype man behind the main rapper on stage. She symbolized alcohol as her crutch because she was shy, and felt like she could not be as brave as she was when she had alcohol in her system. Before the story even started she wrote, “I wrote life off as heavy cargo, and accepted it could only be mastered by masterful men. I was a coward. I grasped on to alcohol, which was the first available escape.” (pg.