➢ Kraft foods is the world second largest food company since it has the presence in 160 countries with 168 integrated factories, (Geographical presence of Kraft foods ) ➢ It has a heritage of business since 1903 ➢ The human resource capacity of this company is 97000 which make them the one of largest in the globe, ➢ Kraft foods carries 40 brands which is in the market over 100 years ➢ Country led model of the Kraft foods which lead towards making decisions more faster ➢ Acquisition of Cadbury & LU biscuits which led the strong presence of Kraft foods in the global market because Cadbury had 45000 employees & the presence of the brand in 60 countries , LU biscuit which has 32 manufacturing facilities with 14000 employees which lead more market share , more value or revenue from the segment categories specially in the European region
1. Weakness
➢ Kraft Foods 12.5% ( 2009 ) comes from 5 brands portfolio ➢ Adding the Pan – European centralized management will lead to cultural effect in the organizational structure ➢ The acquisition process of Cadbury bought more negative impact on Kraft food since an UK based company was taken over by a foreign based company ➢ Selling of frozen pizza & post cereal business which effect the convenience foods segments net revenue contribution of 94.1% & operating income of 8.8 % as per 2009 figures of Kraft foods north America
2. Opportunities
➢ Expand penetration in developing markets by the increase of the population Ex: China , India markets
3. Threats
➢ Holidays & Seasonal Changes effect the demands of the products ➢ By presenting in globally Kraft foods Came across competition from retail house brands, generic brands, regional , local, & other multinational brands Ex: Super Markets like Tesco , Carrefour