Global Challenges
Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Application 3 2.1 Kraft Foods Inc. 3 2.2 PESTEL Analysis 3 2.3 SWOT Analysis 5 2.4 Porters Five Forces 5 2.5 Management at Kraft Foods Inc. 6 3.0 Corporate Social Responsibility 6 3.1 Impact of CSR on Kraft Foods Inc 6 4.0 Conclusion 7 5.0 Recommendations 7 6.0 References 8
1.0 Introduction
Management is a term that is used and heard of every day and a role that is undertaken everywhere you go. It’s the ability to maintain and produce the best from a team or from a task, the activity of completing a task using the resources that are available and taking responsibility of the situation in hand. Even as individuals everyone participates in management in one form or another, whether it’s in a work environment or simply from the everyday running of life. In a business sense however, ‘management is the jobs within an organisation charged with running the organisation on behalf of the beneficial owner’ (Pg no 294, Martin, 2005).
This report is going to examine the different principles and models of management, how it can be applied to individual companies and businesses and then go on further to examine Corporate Social Responsibility and how firms use this.
‘According to Mintzberg (1973) there are ten management roles, these are ‘Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson, Figurehead, Leader, Liaison, Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource allocator and Negotiator’. Mintzberg proposes that every manager’s role combines a number of roles, rather than ten individual roles.’ (Boddy, 2009) For example a CEO of a company could be a figurehead, a spokesperson, a leader as well as the negotiator; but he would assign the other roles to other specific managers or colleagues.
Management involves a vast amount of planning as its sets out the direction of the work that needs to be
References: BBC (2008). Melamine found in Cadbury goods. September 2008. Available: www.bbc.co.uk Accessed 12 May 2012 Bender, R Bloomberg, Homan, T.R. (2010). U.S. Employers Add Fewer Jobs Than Forecast. December 2010. Available: www.Bloomberg.com Accessed 24 April 2012. Boddy, D (2011). Management, An Introduction. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson. CNN, Gunther, M (2008). Eco-police find new targets. August 2008. Available: www.money.cnn.com. Accessed 23 May 2012. CSR.gov.uk (2009) CVF. (2009). Competing Values Framework: An Introduction. Available: http://competingvalues.com/competingvalues.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/The-Competing-Values-Framework-An-Introduction.pdf Last accessed 12 May 2012. FT. Elizabeth Rigby. (2010). Kraft hit by exodus of Cadbury executives. Available: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1dad970a-69c1-11df-8432-00144feab49a.html#axzz1viuO14PA. Last accessed 18 May 2012. Linstead, S, Fulop, L and Lilley, S. (2009). Management & Organization. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave McMillan. Pg No 721. Martin, J (2005). Organizational Behaviour and Management. London: Thomson Learning. Octogram Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2008). Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Adolescents: What Changes are Needed to Promote Healthy Eating Habits? October 2008. Available: www.rwjf.org Accessed 22 May 2012 Taylor, F.W Quinn, R.E. (1988) Beyond Rational Management: Mastering the Paradoxes and Competing Demands of High Performance. San Francisco: Josey-Bass Yahoo (2010)