‘A Doll’s House’, was completely against the norm at that time. The play raises the question about some of the most fundamental affairs that humanity ever faced. These affairs include sexism, materialism and in general money issues, moral issues and morality’s actual definition, gender performativity and dress sense. The social issues and women's role represented in the play were the big topics of debate after the play's launch in Norway. People were frustrated that any woman actually could behave as Nora did; that any woman could put her own dream of understanding and knowledge above the care of her own children and husband.
Krogstad is the antagonist in the play, but that doesn’t mean that he is the villain. Although he does torment and torture Nora about the loan, he does give her some sympathy, “Even money-lenders, hacks, well, a man like me, can have a little of what you call feeling, you know.” All in all, Krogstad does have an important reason for all of this, his children. He needs to keep his job at the bank to support his children and to spare them from the humiliation of his newly received reputation. Whereas Torvald desires respect for himself, like the selfish person that he is, Krogstad desires respect and his good reputation back, only for the welfare of his children. Society will not let him forget his past and move on, so we can see Krogstad as a victim to society here. Although society back then did not treat Krogstad fairly, it does link him more with Nora, as they both broke the law by forging signatures.
I would say that Krogstad would be in his mid to late forty’s, but I think he would