In Plato’s Republic, many stories are used as allusions and metaphors to describe the issues being discussed. One of these stories is in chapter two and is known as the “Ring of Gyges.” This story has many similarities to the Ring of Power in The Lord of The Rings saga, which also grants the ability to turn invisible. In this essay, I will compare and contrast the “Ring of Gyges” and the events surrounding the Ring of Power in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.…
The myth of the Five Races of Humankind further demonstrates humanity’s helplessness at the hands of Zeus. Hesiod contends that humanity is now in the 5th stage of moral decline since the “golden” age of men, in which men were like the gods in that they lived “free of sorrows, far apart from effort and pain”(97). Men in the golden age were peaceful and good but presumably the evils brought by Pandora took root in humans and caused a degeneration of morality. Hesiod laments having been born in this 5th age of men because it is full of cruel people, who commit evil against family, friends, guests and even the gods. Perhaps the most telling reason for Hesiod’s sadness is his belief that Zeus would “destroy this race of evil people too”. Not only…
In the closing days of the Trojan War, all the attempts at peace having failed and disintegrated into war, one man catches the eyes and ears of the bright-eyed goddess, Athena. Leaning against his chariot, Diomedes calls upon Athena to allow him to gain vengeance against the Trojan archer, Pandarus. Not only does she renew his fighting strength, but also she lets fall from his eyes the mist obscuring the gods so he can then differentiate between them and the other mortal combatants. Despite this, she instructs him to not attempt a head on fight with the immortals, but rather to engage only other men. The one exception to this rule is Aphrodite, whom Diomedes is encouraged to engage with vigour. This seems to illustrate one of the recurring characteristics of the Epic genre: a lifting up of the focus to things beyond the realms of mere mortality. By practically telling her champion to attack Love, Athena gives not only Diomedes, but also the reader themselves a blood rush that can only come from a challenge so much greater than simple combat. He must fight a goddess!…
In the realm of epic poetry, heroes go off and accomplish great things, while dealing with deities and mortal beings alike. This is no different in Homer’s The Odyssey or The Epic of Gilgamesh. In The Odyssey, the tale is recounted of the great warrior Odysseus trying to return home to his wife after fighting a great war. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, it is told of how a demigod, Gilgamesh, faced retribution for poor leadership and manages to redeem himself. However, with all the similarities and conventions of epic poetry, there are also many differences, such as character traits and the nature of obstacles faced by the heroes as well. Even though Odysseus and Gilgamesh possess great importance to the realities in which they exist, Gilgamesh’s impact on his reality is much more negative than Odysseus’s.…
The final moments before Antigone’s condemnation must have been excruciating for all of Thebes: as she was sentenced to death for upholding her familial and religious values, her uncle, Kreon, sat by, proud of his decision. Later he would regret his misdeeds deeply, but although he lost his son and wife, Antigone lost her life. She is the central character. She drives the action, has more relevancy, and is a superior example of the ideal Grecian at the time. Without Antigone, the story would fall flat. For this reason, the story’s title as Antigone should not be changed. Despite some claims that Kreon better fits the profile of a tragic hero, Antigone is the right name for the play because Antigone is more relevant, a better role model, and drives the action more consistently than Kreon.…
In Greek mythology, Cronus or Kronos was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the earth. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus.…
This play dates all the way back to the 5th century B.C. when Sophocles was alive (1). The audiences back then related to this theme because the fact that the gods had omnipotent power was the majority belief of the time. However, this ideology was threatened at the time the play was written, and this is why Sophocles made a point of emphasizing the gods’ power in this play. The people of the world today can relate to this theme, because the very foundation of whether or not there is a God or gods is now under widespread contention. People today debate this theology every day; and this is why they can easily relate to this play.…
Throughout the Iliad, Homer pays respect to soldiers by mentioning their name with various adjacent positive qualities. In the first book of the Iliad, “godlike Polyphemous” is introduced among a list of noteworthy soldiers (Iliad 1:264). Although Polyphemous is an unfamiliar character that is not central to the action, Homer wholly compares him to a god. The pairing of this godly term with such an insignificant character represents how divine status is obtainable for mortals, especially because Homer does not provide an explanation as to how Polyphemous achieved this status. Within this same listing of soldiers, Theseus is also mentioned as being “in the likeness of the immortals” (Iliad 1:265). While this phrase exemplifies noteworthy status in the gods’ perspective, it is distinctively different than being compared to the gods. Homer, therefore, employs specific language to carefully present a difference in how characters can either be in the likeness of the gods or completely similar to them.…
These myths were told to people and it helped them realize the difference between right and wrong. It helped them come to terms with understanding their own humility and it also helped them gain an understanding that they should never think themselves higher than their immortal gods. These myths tell the tales of mighty heroes and how their greatness was achieved while at the same time illustrating the flaws these heroes had in their personal quest to become gods. A deeper look into the Trojan War reveals meanings, attitudes, and life lessons that the Greeks were very adamant in preserving for the betterment of their society and to the world around them. These tales seldom ended in happy endings like the ones we are accustomed to observing in our culture today and is important to remember that they weren’t written solely for entertainment—they were written with a greater purpose. In truth, these myths give people the opportunity to glimpse at the way the Greeks lived and how they thought back then. These myths were an integral part of ancient Greek culture, this was how they passed down lessons from…
Themes exist in just about every story you will ever read. They play an important role in the storyline and characters themselves. Often times there are multiple themes that take place in the story. These themes can range from anything such as heroism to evil. In this paper we will take a look at one of the common themes that is found in The Iliad and The Odyssey. The theme that I will look at is the Gods and the roles they play with mortals and their interactions with one another.…
In her conclusion Glynn puts forward the idea that the motif of a Herakles and Triton locked in battle is connected to the “Athenian amphibious success”, in regards to the battle for possession of Salamis. This in turn, she argues, is connected to “Peisistratean Athens”, and the tyrannical family that held the city at the time. Suggesting that Peisistratos skillfully manipulated this and other myths so that they were more suited to his own purposes. Creating, in a sense a different iconology that better reflected this time in…
In the story of Antigone, an argument of who is the tragic hero between Antigone and Creon exists. I firmly believe Creon is the tragic hero of the play. Creon becomes the typical fallen hero in Greek drama. He faces many conflicts, internally and externally, and undergoes quite a bit of painful emotions. One might say Antigone should receive the title of being the tragic hero, but Creon plays a more significant role by learning his lesson the hard way and ending up as the classic tragic hero who loses everything at the end of the dramatic play.…
———. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of a Poetic Myth. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1966.…
Thury, E. M., & Devinney, M. K. (2009). Introduction to mythology. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.…
The notion of myth in contemporary Western culture is mainly used in a pejorative sense. Often associated with imaginary fantastic tales and miracles, myth has been opposed to the “truth” of sacred writings (Paden, 1994, p.70). Myth in ancient Greek tradition initially identified “anything delivered by word of mouth” (Paden, 1994, p. 70), in contrast with deeds. Later, myth became the sacred account of the world’s origin. Myth, to participants - and anthropologist and scholars of religious studies - represents a “sacred models by which one lives” (Paden, 1994, p. 69). Eliade seminal work regarded myths as important “expressions of the sacred in words in the form of narratives” (as cited in Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 78). He stressed the importance of observing myth as religious…