Paul Krugman
End This Depression Now!
By A. D. Thibeault
Published by New Books in Brief at Smashwords
Copyright 2014 A. D. Thibeault
Table of Contents
i. Introduction/Synopsis
Section 1: How Bad the Problem Is & The Potential Long–Term Consequences
1. GDP Is Way Down
2. Unemployment Is Way Up
3. The Potential Long–Term Consequences
Section 2: What the Problem Is and Why It’s So Bad
4. The Crux of the Problem: Lack of Demand
5. The Root of the Problem: The Deregulation of the Financial Sector
6. The Story Behind Financial Deregulation
a. Wild Optimism & the Deregulation Movement
b. The Political Influence of the Financial Sector (and the Wealthy in General)
Section 3: The Solution is Government Stimulus (and a Few Other Reforms)
7. The Solution is Government Stimulus
8. Objection #1: Government Stimulus Doesn’t Spur the Economy (and Response)
a. Exhibit A: The Great Depression
b. The Initial Stimulus Effort Was Too Small
9. Solution Specifics
a. Stimulus Specifics
b. Additional Federal Reserve Actions
c. Housing Relief (et. al.)
10. Objection #2: The Danger of Government Debt (and Response)
a. The Problem of Investor Confidence
b. The Problem of Paying off the Debt in the Future
11. Objection #3: The Danger of Inflation (and Response)
Section 4: The Chances of Government Stimulus Being Implemented (and How to Improve
12. Pragmatic Politics and the Coming Election
a. An Obama Sweep
b. An Obama Win, and a Divided Parliament
c. A Romney Victory
13. Conclusion
i. Introduction/Synopsis
Since the housing and financial crash of 2008, America’s economy has been stuck deep in the doldrums. Indeed, GDP has remained well beneath pre–2008 levels, and employment levels have failed to recover. In an effort to resuscitate the economy, the American government tried first to