Psychophysical measures of emotional responses as a concept, is based on the idea that music has an overall effect on emotion physiology. They include measures of cardiac function, blood flow, electrical conductance of the skin, and respiratory function. The measures taken during the music differed significantly from baseline levels. Most measures either remained at a fairly constant level or increased during the music. In addition, different amounts of change are noted depending on the emotional quality of the excerpt. …show more content…
Sad ratings are most strongly associated with changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance and temperature. The fear ratings were associated with changes in the rate and amplitude of blood flow. The happy ratings are associated with changes in respiration measures. The correlations are fairly low, however. A limiting factor may have been characteristic response times and lags of physiological systems. The general difficulty of identifying emotion- specific changes in these psychophysiological measures should also be noted. Physiological changes depended on the amount and type of musical emotion. The degree of correspondence depended on the emotion-eliciting