Zacharia Ashby
Feburary 28, 2013
Ernest Gonzalez
Kudler Fine Foods Network
Overview and Timeframe
The many complexities of network design are vast, wide and most often tailored to the customer and their uses. In the case of Kudler Fine Foods the network is the backbone of the company compromising the bulk of communications as well as the point of sale network. The design of these networks is a collaborative procedure aimed at ensuring that the services provided meet the needs of the customer. In the search of the ideal plan for network development I will discuss and explain principles of distributed and centralized computer systems. Accomplishing this by describing different network topologies; the standards and protocols that are essential to networking. The responsibilities essential in providing telecommunication services to include security, privacy, reliability and performance. How we distinguish and understand the uses of voice over the internet protocol, Centrex and other forms of telecommunications. With our main goal is to develop a system to utilize in our company that will ensure a proper management of our resources. The timeline for this is to have an implemented plan in place within 30 days of commencement. Our outline of six months to have the plan implemented is not outside the rational. Considering the internal and external resources implemented in the project.
Distributed Vs. Centralized
Comparing the principles of Distributed vs. Centralized computing systems and explaining some of the varying issues of each type. Both models have their own architectures and varying complexities with their own problems. I will be verifying the different types and how they interact.
Distributed systems originally referred to a computer network that was physically and geographically located. Now the term is used to describe a process that run on a several systems and are interacting with each other by a physical
References: Attiya, H., & Welch, J. (2004). Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics . : Wiley-Interscience. Groth, D., & Toby, S. (2005). Network+ Study Guide (4th ed.). : Sybex, Inc. Pearlman, R. (1999). Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols (2nd ed.). : Addison-Wesley . Voice-Over-Internet Protocol . (2013). Retrieved from Computer Network. (2013). Retrieved from National institute for standards and technology. (2012). Retrieved from