According to many science is a steady progression of accrual of new ideas but to Kuhn science was as a result of occasional revolutionary explosions of new knowledge whereby each revolution was triggered by introduction of new ways of thought that were so large that he called them paradigms. These paradigms according to Kuhn were supposed to generally recognize scientific achievements, present model problems and solutions for group of researchers. A paradigm is supposed to describe; * How the outcome of most scientific investigations should be interpreted. * What is to be observed and scrutinized? * The kind of questions that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers in relation to this subject.
The Kuhnian model consists of five main steps which include: * Prescience- it has no workable paradigm to guide its work successfully. * Normal science- it is a normal step where the field has a scientifically based model of understanding a paradigm that works * Model drift- here the model of understanding starts to drift. This is due to accumulation of anomalies and events the model cannot explain. * Model crisis- the previous step becomes so excessive the model is broken. It can therefore no longer serve as a reliable guide to problem solving. Any attempts to patch the model up to work will fail hence the field is in anguish. * Model revolution-it immediately becomes considerable when serious candidates for a new model emerge; it is referred as a revolution because the new model is so drastically poles apart from the previous one. * Paradigm change-here the field changes from the old to the new paradigm because a new one emerges. This new paradigm then becomes the normal science and the khunian model is complete.
The new fields normally begin in prescience where they have begun to focus on a problem area but are not yet capable of making major advances. Working techniques that later provide a
References: The structure of Scientific Revolutions- Thomas.S.Kuhn