This essay will explore the relevance of the text and drawing on the two large pithoi jars at Kuntillet ‘Ajrud to see if there is a connection between the drawings and text. It will also show if the text and drawings can be understood by anyone who visited Kuntillet ‘Ajrud in ancient times. The origins of the pictures on the jars may require a broader field of investigation, which one will look first at the text, and then compare it with the images on the pithos. It is possible that the text and iconography may have a hidden meaning and further exploration into possible ethical and cultural beliefs, may suggest that the pithos embrace many different cultures.
Kuntillet ‘Ajrud also known as Horvat Teiman is “located approximately …show more content…
Furthermore, the images of pithoi A is believed to represent the Egyptian god Bes. Bes has been known to “serve a variety of functions and roles, many of which may have crossed class and ethnic lines” . Bes is depicted by the lion skin clothing, a tail between his legs tied in a knot and wears feathers on his hat as seen on the picture . However, in this iconographic Bes has polka dots on his lion skin, which indicates the Phoenicians design style. Although, Abdi stated Egyptian Bes wore “a leopard-skin pelt”, this is more consistent with the image on the pithoi . Behind Bes’s image it is believed to be Beset and the lyre player is Asherah. The tree on the pithos is believed to be Asherah, the Assyrians refers to as Asherah and so does the bible . However, one believes the images represent Bes, the image behind Bes is a priest from the order of Bes, and Beset is the lyre player, hence she is sitting on a throne and the tree represents fertility. As Bes is represented as the god of protection, his other qualities are; “He was a god of war, yet he was also a patron of childbirth and the home, and was associated with sexuality, humour, music and dancing” . Bearing this in mind the images on the pithos depicts this