Raven Robinson
July 11, 2012
Hoby Follis
Leadership Behavior Approach
Yuki (2010) stated, “Researchers usually define leadership according to their individual perspectives and the aspects of the phenomenon of most interest to them” (p.1). There are many definitions to the word leadership, and many different concepts of what a leader is a well. The confusion of how to define leadership has also lead to many different ways of how to research the concept behind what makes someone a leader. In this paper I will provide an overview of the behavior approach. I will discuss the strength and weaknesses of this leadership approach provide background why and when it was used, and provides an example of the use of behavior approach.
The behavior approach started in the 1950’s. It was a direct result of researchers becoming discouraged with the trait approach (Yuki, 2010). This approach does not focus on the concept of leadership. It focuses more on management, and the role of a manager on a day to day basis. During this period leadership and management were linked directly together, so this approach gave insight as to what a leader was at that time (Yuki, 2010). Further research shows us now that managers and leaders aren’t a direct impact of each other. At that time researchers were under the …show more content…
One category deals with researching the day to day roles and activities of a manager. Research on how managers deal with conflict on the job and pressure is studied as well in this category (Yuki, 2010). The other category focuses on the study of the effective leadership skills managers posses. Yuki (2010) stated, “The preferred research method involves a survey field study with a behavior description questionnaire” (p.). The surveys were used to examine the relationship between the behaviors of leaders and their effectiveness as a leader (Yuki,