Training and Development in LG Electronics India
Talent Management in LG Electronics: International Overview
Systematic HR Development based on Career Development and Training
Training Program of LG in India
Evaluation of Training: A Necessary Step
Chapter 3
Training and Development in LG Electronics India
3.1 Introduction
People are the strategic assets meaning “the set of difficult to trade and imitate, scarce, appropriable, and specialized resources and capabilities that bestow the firm’s competitive advantage” (Amit, 1993). Ultimately people, a repository of knowledge and skills, are the most valuable and necessary asset for any firm to compete and generate competitive advantage (Barney, 1998). Strategically speaking, a firm may have a great strategic plan in place, yet it means nothing if its people lack access to appropriate and relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes to …show more content…
Employees undergo required training based on their CDP and must complete at least two credit hours per calendar year. Credits from the training are reported to the HR system and reflected upon promotion. In addition to courses offered at the Business Function College, study groups and seminars are organized to promote professional capability development in specialized business functions such as R&D. We also provide additional credits to employees who serve as instructors for internal training programs to promote participation. The training program for business leaders and Foreign Service Employee (FSE) candidates is implemented based on the Business Leader Training Roadmap to develop professional capabilities. Mandatory and elective training courses are determined based on candidates’ chosen career