Nicholas Hopkinson, a clinical lecturer and hon consultant, from imperial’s national heart and lung institute mentioned in her research she mentioned that there are benefits of LVRS if the patient is selected based on correct indications.” In the study performed at Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS foundation trust, researchers showed that in a series of 81 patients who had undergone the LVRS showed no deaths and only six percent of the patient remained hospitalized for a month. It is important to consider the cost-effectiveness of LVRS. It is with no doubt that LVRS can improve quality of life but it is better to look over the cost it takes for the management of the disease process. In an ATS journal (cost-effectiveness of lung volume reduction surgery), there are also risks involved with LVRS, includes air leakage as one of the main concern with the chance of 40%, infection or pneumonia (15%), internal bleeding (2-5%), stroke (1%), heart attack (1%), and death with a chance of 3-8% in the cases if the patient is a poor candidate. The outcome of the LVRS is predicted on two characteristics, first if the emphysema is concentrated on upper lobes and exercise capacity (high or
Nicholas Hopkinson, a clinical lecturer and hon consultant, from imperial’s national heart and lung institute mentioned in her research she mentioned that there are benefits of LVRS if the patient is selected based on correct indications.” In the study performed at Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS foundation trust, researchers showed that in a series of 81 patients who had undergone the LVRS showed no deaths and only six percent of the patient remained hospitalized for a month. It is important to consider the cost-effectiveness of LVRS. It is with no doubt that LVRS can improve quality of life but it is better to look over the cost it takes for the management of the disease process. In an ATS journal (cost-effectiveness of lung volume reduction surgery), there are also risks involved with LVRS, includes air leakage as one of the main concern with the chance of 40%, infection or pneumonia (15%), internal bleeding (2-5%), stroke (1%), heart attack (1%), and death with a chance of 3-8% in the cases if the patient is a poor candidate. The outcome of the LVRS is predicted on two characteristics, first if the emphysema is concentrated on upper lobes and exercise capacity (high or