Research is done using class computers, students’ own electronic devices, and home computers. Presentational projects are put together using school computer labs or at home using collaborative websites. The lesson plan engages students by following levels of Bloom’s taxonomy: Remembering: students research and talk about the history of the Caribbean and their own heritage. Understanding: Students define heritage and analyze Guillen’s poem by discussing the imagery and poetic techniques like the onomatopoetic language that is so typical of Guillen’s poesía negra. Applying: Students apply the concept of culture and heritage to their own lives. Analyzing: Students compare and contrast the cultures that have made up the Cuban heritage. They examine Guillen’s feelings about his background and they examine their own feelings
Research is done using class computers, students’ own electronic devices, and home computers. Presentational projects are put together using school computer labs or at home using collaborative websites. The lesson plan engages students by following levels of Bloom’s taxonomy: Remembering: students research and talk about the history of the Caribbean and their own heritage. Understanding: Students define heritage and analyze Guillen’s poem by discussing the imagery and poetic techniques like the onomatopoetic language that is so typical of Guillen’s poesía negra. Applying: Students apply the concept of culture and heritage to their own lives. Analyzing: Students compare and contrast the cultures that have made up the Cuban heritage. They examine Guillen’s feelings about his background and they examine their own feelings