(the old ladies Killer)
Juana Dayanara Barraza Samperio was born on December 27, 1958 in the city of Pachuca, Hidalgo (Mexico)., Knowledgeable and dedicated nursing also sometimes to wrestling (under the pseudonym of "The Lady of Silence" ) or selling popcorn outside the arena of struggle, and supposed worshiper of Santa Muerte, committed several murders in the metropolitan area of Mexico City from the 90 's to early 2006
Juana Dayanara Barraza Samperio
Barraza has become one of the most interesting cases in criminal history in Mexico, and for many years remained the commission of their crimes without being caught.
The first murder attributed to Mataviejitas was made in the late 90s even though the number of murders allegedly began on November 17, 2003. It has been estimated that the total number of his victims is between 42 and 48.
On 31 March 2008, 67 of the Criminal Justice, based in Santa Martha Acatiltla he ruled 759 years and 17 days in prison for 17 murders and 12 robberies committed against elderly people.
modus operandi
All the victims were elderly women murdered, most of them lived alone. The deaths were caused by blows, wounds or strangulation sharps weapons with materials theft victims immediately after being killed. In each murder he committed always wore red. In isolated cases, there was evidence of sexual abuse victims.
In the course of the criminal activities of the Mataviejitas, police authorities were heavily criticized by the media since, even in late 2005, assumed a "media hype" about a serial murderer. It also criticized the fact that the murderer was wanted, perhaps unnecessarily, among lasprostitutas and / or transvestites in Mexico City. In fact, during the hunt for the killer, Bernardo Batiz, then Attorney General of Mexico City, had indicated that 'the Mataviejitas ' was 'brilliantly clever
References: pictures :http://escritoconsangre1.blogspot.com/2009/10/juana-barraza-samperio-mataviejitas.html http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/427034.html Baratta, Alexandro (1993) Criminología crítica y crítica del Derecho Penal. Siglo xxi, México.(Baratta, Alexander (1993) Critical Criminology and Criminal Law Review. Siglo XXI, Mexico.) (2005) “La subjetividad en el comportamiento socialmente negativo”, en Anuario de Investigación. Departamento de Educación y Comunicación. uam-x, México.(2005) "Subjectivity in negative social behavior", Research Yearbook. Department of Education and Communication. uam-x, Mexico.)