Semana Santa Takes Center Stage in Mexico
Colorful banners, costumed children, traditional foods, large family gatherings, and solemn processions alongside commemorative alters, special events, dynamic and varied musical sounds – these describe the celebrations of La Semana Santa in Mexico.
La Semana Santa, or Holy Week as it is know in many parts of the world, encompasses the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. The celebrations occur on different dates each year because Easter is based on astronomical events, specifically the full moon. This year La Semana Santa occurs from April 9 – 16, 2017.
The Significance of La Semana Santa
La Semana Santa is one of the most deeply rooted religious holidays …show more content…
Churches will be filled to overflowing with those attending Mass on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, as families take this opportunity to be together.
Common events include reenactments of the events leading up to the death of Jesus, his crucifixion on the cross, multiple religious processions which daily fill the streets with rhythm, dancing, costumes, and color, special concerts, and theatre programs.
The most dramatic and moving event of La Semana Santa celebrations is the Procession del Silencio (or Procession of Silence) which is far from silent. It is the reenactment of the Passion of Christ. Religious and community groups parade through the streets of the town on Good Friday evening. The processions can be quite lengthy including penitents on their knees, portrayals of the last supper, portrayals of the crucifixion itself, and multiple musical groups playing various string instruments, bugles, and drums.
Frequently important religious images from the church are displayed near the church. Traditional altars are decorated in homes and in the streets. Flower decorations and palm crosses will be found everywhere. Colorful paper flags are hung across streets like