Week 3
Physical Science
Lab 2-Doppler Effect
Course Number: SCI 110
Professor: Karma Pace-McDuffy
Due Date: 01/27/2011
Doppler Effect
1 Objectives
Measure the detector frequency for waves emitted from a slowly moving source as that source is approaching the detector. (Exploration 1)
Calculate the detector frequency for waves emitted from a slowly moving source as that source is moving away from the detector. (Exploration 2)
Sketch the wave-front patterns for wave sources with various source speeds.
(Exploration 3)
2 Description of Activity
In this activity, you will study waves that travel from a moving source to a detector. You will control the source speed as well as the frequency of waves emitted by that source. You will observe the wave fronts and measure the frequency at the detector. The Jump Start exercises below will help you review frequency, wavelength, pitch, and the Doppler effect.
3 Jump Start
What type of wave is a sound wave? Sound waves are longitudinal waves that are created by a vibrating object and transmitted only through the motion of molecules in a solid, gas, or liquid. The energy of sound wave is associated with the kinetic energy of those molecules (Trefil&Hazen, 2007, p. 58).
Define wave frequency. Wave frequency is the measurement of how many waves pass a fixed point in a given length of time.
What is pitch? Pitch is defined as the frequency of sound (Tillery, Enger, &Ross, 2009, p. 11).
Sketch one wavelength of a longitudinal wave.
4 Exploration 1: A Wave Source Moving Towards a Detector
Explore the simulation on your own for several minutes. Attempt to identify relationships among source frequency, detector frequency, wave speed, and source velocity.
Set Source speed to 1.0 cm/s. Move the detector by dragging it from the left side of the screen onto the grid; place it on the right side of the grid, directly opposite the wave source. Set