Lab 25
Title: The Detection of Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrate in Foods
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to perform several general tests which help in identifying fats, protein, and carbohydrates in food.
Part A- Tests for Detecting Carbohydrates
In this part you will conduct the molisch, benedict, and iodine tests. Purple in the molisch test indicates a positive test. Benedicts test will result in a brick red/brown color for a positive test. For the iodine tests, a blue, red, or violet color indicates a positive test.
Part B- Test for Detecting Fats: The Grease Spot Test
Perform the grease spot test, which will help to detect fats.
Part C- Test for Detecting Protein
In this part we perform the xanthoprotic, biuret, and ninhydrin test. A yellow color is positive for the xanthoprotic test, and tyrosine will give a positive result. For the biuret test, a purple color is a positive test. The ninhydrin test will give a positive result for glycine.
Part D Testing Foods
Perform the grease spot test to the substance after filtering it. Now perform all six tests which were performed in the earlier parts.
Part E- Testing Milk
Perform the molisch, benedict, and iodine tests. Perform a grease spot test and then do the xanthoprotic, biuret, and ninhydrin tests. colonies from the powerhouse of Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence can be seen as the foundation of The United States of America. Similarly, the Declaration of Independence was written for women’s rights, and can be seen as the foundation of format, however, it is written for women’s rights. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a leader of the women’s rights movement in the 19th century. One of her most influential events was a convention held at Seneca Falls in New York. This was the first large convention held by women to speak about women’s rights. Stanton had developed a draft of the Declaration of Sentiments, which she read at the convention. The