Phase 1: Preparation
Phase 2: Identification
Phase 3: Containment
Phase 4: Eradication
Phase 5:
| ____ scanning detects malware by comparing a file’s content with known malware signatures in a signature database.Answer…
9. intusion detection software: look ppl who should not be there. back up:copy the info. security auditing software: checks out the weakness of your computer.…
| Antivirus software can detect and eliminate viruses that are trying to enter your system. Answer…
To determine services that a computer is running and shut down services not being used to increase the security of the computer being scanned.(2)…
A. Enable content filtering and antivirus scanning at the entry and exit points of the internet. Enable workstation auto-scans and auto-quarantine for unknown file types.…
My firewall may be effective at blocking some attacks and offering a certain amount of protection. But a firewall does not guarantee that your computer will be attacked. In particular, a firewall offers little to no protection against viruses. However using a firewall in conjunction with other protective software and safe practices will strengthen resistance to attacks. Anti-virus software details vary between packages but basically it scans files on your computer’s memory for certain patterns that may indicate an infection, looking for signatures, or definitions, of known viruses. Authors for viruses are continually being updated and released, so it’s important you have the latest definitions installed so the software can tackle any threat new or old. Each virus software has its own method of response once it locates a virus, and the action may vary according to when it finds the virus either during an automatic or a manual scan. Most software produces a dialog box alerting you if it has found a virus and asks whether you want it to clean the file or remove it. Some software may attempt to remove the virus without first asking. A good user should familiarize themselves with the features so they know how to handle such a…
And once malwares, Trojans, viruses gain entry into the computer system then these software programs destabilize the operating system, cause damage to it. It is recommended to install and use effective PWS: Win32/QQpass.GR removal software like VSKsoft antivirus software to get rid of all malware related issues.…
Install antivirus software, configuring it to run scans automatically at predefinedtimes and updating the definition files regularly.…
Antivirus software is designed to check computer systems and drives for the presence of computer viruses and worms and often eliminates the malicious software, whereas antispyware software combats intrusive and harmful spyware programs. Often the software can eliminate the virus from the infected area. To be effective, antivirus software must be continually updated.…
It automatically scans the computer for viruses, Trojans, worms, and spyware on a regular basis. It also protects the computer from suspicious files.…
What is Authorization and how is this concept aligned with Identification and Authentication? Authorization is a set of rights defined for a subject and an object; this concept is aligned with Identification and Authentication because these are the 3 steps to the access control process…
1. How does the spreading of a computer virus compare to the spreading of human viruses?…
4. Why would you use a tool like DevManView while performing a computer forensic investigation?…
whether that application starts as a service on the system or must be run manually.…
1. How does documented back-up and recovery procedures help achieve RTO? By having effective backup and recovery procedures you should have the necessary resources to restore systems from backups and a repeatable process that is known to succeed in achieving RTO. By documenting and implementing backup and recovery procedures, the process for recovery is much more efficient, helping with the time portion of RTO.…