What is a carbohydrate profile? Why are they used as a diagnostic or identifying tool? (2)…
3. Based on what you already know about photosynthesis, write a testable hypothesis to explain the influence of an increase in light intensity on the photosynthetic rate in tomato leaves.…
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| LabRepQuiz010 Question MC #7: Which of the following is the best written sentence that includes the information below taken from an article written by Dr. Costanza, but avoids plagiarism?…
2. Five variables that should be controlled during the experiment is the amount of sunlight, room temperature, amount of water, the time of day the plant is watered and the certain type of plant. To make sure the plants get the same amount of sunlight, make sure to put them both in the same spot so that one plant doesn’t get more sunlight than the other. To make sure they both stay in the same room temperature, put them both in the same room. With the amount of water come up with a measurement, and then make sure you give both plants that amount. Pick out a time of day for the plants to get watered make sure you water one earlier than the other since it is part of your hypothesis that they grow faster when watered in the morning. Finally, make sure that…
Choose an appropriate number scale for the Y-axis and label it Number of Infections. Choose an appropriate number scale for the X-axis label it Number of Exchanges.…
The dependent variable is the Brassica Rapa and it is depending on the temperature. Before the experiment took place, all plants were in 22 degrees Celsius for three weeks to grow to the preferred maturity. They were then taken out and pollinated. After pollination the plants were set in separate temperatures to mature for another two weeks. After the two weeks were over, the plants were taken out of their temperatures and soil to determine maturity and productivity. To do so, the plants were weighed, the length was measured, the pods were counted, and the amounts of mature seeds were counted as…
In completing the Tomato Plant experiment I had to apply the scientific method. I observed that my tomato plants were producing less fruit each year. I then questioned some of the elements that may have affected the tomato plants and caused them to bear fewer tomatoes being a deficiency in warmth, water, or nutrients. I then selected my hypotheses that the plants were in need of more nutrients. Following my hypothesis I developed my prediction which was that my plants would bear more tomatoes if I was to replace the old soil with new soil before planting. I then concluded, based off of the graph depicting the number of tomatoes per plant, that my hypothesis was supported because; my predication was accurate and the plants grew more tomatoes after I had replaced the soil.…
Purpose: In this lab, I will observe macroscopic changes that occur when mixing together certain chemicals and household cleaners. The mixing of the chemicals provided with each other and with acid/base indicators demonstrates how matter can change, and how chemistry can be seen with the naked eye. By mixing household cleaners with an acid/base indicator I hope to demonstrate how these changes can be related to everyday life.…
A student wanted to look at plant growth in five different soil samples. He planted the same type of seeds in identical containers and left them together in full sunlight. He gave each plant the same amount of water and charted the growth of each plant stem. What is the independent variable in this experiment?…
This experiment was conducted by taking 6 pots containing soil and placing certain amount of seeds, radish or/and wheat seeds, in each pot. A total of 384 seeds were needed for this experiment; 192 for radish and 192 for wheat seeds. The first three sets of pots had a total of 32 seeds in each pot consisting of radish or/and wheat seeds, which represented the low density and the other three sets of pots had a total of 96 seeds in…
Accept/Reject = I would accept my hypothesis. I tested my hypothesis by placing Pot 1 where it could get sunlight and placing Pot 2 in shade. After a week of growing, Pot 1 had a higher number of plants of each seed species. Pot 2 had a fewer number. Also, observing both test subjects I noticed that Pot 1’s plants were darker in color and the stems looked firmer.…
The experiment proposed by the winning group consisted of the class dividing into groups of two or three. Each group then had to fill a labeled cup of water with 100 mL of stream water. Groups then had to cut 1.5 X 1.5 cm square samples of each leaf species (Norway and Silver). The leaves being cut for samples were leaves that had been soaking in Chicago River water for two weeks prior to lab. Each specific sample was then labeled with a colored pin in order to distinguish the samples and then both samples were placed into the labeled cup of stream water. Finally, three amphipods were placed into the cup containing the two samples. The amphipods were then left in the cup for one week, after which the leaves were removed and bagged by the…
light source for this variable was the closest to the plant out of all the trials, which means that the…
In this experiment, 8 plants will be tested. Each except one plant (which will be the control group) will receive a certain amount of water starting at 0 teaspoons of water. Each plant will receive 1 more teaspoon than the previous cup, so it would be increasing. For example, cup 4 will have 4 teaspoons of water and cup 3 would have 3. The data recorded will be the length the plant grows up to.…