W hy should I bother writing lab reports in the correct way?” The Foundation Programme is designed to prepare you for undergraduate studies at UTAR which will require the writing of lab reports all years generally. At the end of your third year, you may have an opportunity to work on scientific projects which will culminate in an official scientific report. Depending on the quality of your report, the golden chance remains of publishing your report in a scientific journal. Such recognition may open doors of opportunity (e.g., strengthen application for scholarships and further studies etc.). Science professors are evaluated in most parts of the world by the papers they write.
• Use proper A4 foolscap for all handwritten assignments. • Write neatly and legibly in blue or black ink. Your tutor reserves the absolute right to reject your assignment and ask you to re-do the assignment should he/she consider it to be below the expected quality. • Submit your assignment on time. Late submissions may entail mark deduction or not be graded at all.
Format of a lab report
Your lab report should be preceded by a cover page which contains the following: • Name • Partner’s name • Group • Date • Program • Unit code • Unit description • Year and semester of study • Title of lab report • Lecturer’s name
Your lab report should contain the following sections:
• Title • Objective • Apparatus, materials and methods (if your assignment is submitted online, this step may be omitted) • Observations and/or results with • Discussion • Conclusion • References
The following guidelines on report writing are those required by the actual internationally-recognized scientific community. The text in quotation marks in the