Introduction: All life and existence makes an unavoidable journey towards an ultimate end. Immortality is a mythical unattainable existence, barred by the presence of entropy. Mortality is a constant found in everything that was, is and will be.
Hook: Entropy is ever present and unstoppable, an entity that we battle with, with hopeless abandonment.
Introduction of Topic: Author Philip K. Dick, through his novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, shares his knowledge of entropy, through character development, dialogue and experiences. This progression towards an “end” is defined as entropy; the idea that chaos is ever increasing and consequently, order is ever decreasing.
Thesis Statement: Throughout the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? the theory of entropy is discussed and dissected for better understanding. Through character experience, concepts and properties of entropy are developed. Verbal interactions and the experiences the characters undergo are used to portray the cycle of entropy. It is established that entropy is constantly expanding and reproducing in a sense, indestructible but able to be pushed back (although temporarily), and finally inevitable.
Method of Development (4 points minimum):
1. The concept of kibble, J.R. Isidore’s apartment
2. Rick Deckard’s quest for a real animal, his deception of his neighbours
3. The androids attempts to escape decommissioning
4. The destruction of the earth due to war.
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Restate Thesis Statement:
Restatement of Points of Proof:
Concluding Statement:
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