1 desk
4 books
1 stopwatch
1 plastic ball
1 meter ruler
Some blue-tac
Ball Blue-tac
Figure 1: Experiment set-up
1. First, the experiment was set-up as shown in figure 1
2. Then, measured 25cm with the meter ruler to make a point and placed some blue-tac on it
3. Also repeated the points for distance of 50cm, 75cm and 100cm
4. Then the ball was placed at the starting point
5. After that, the ball was released while the stopwatch was pressed to start
6. When the ball was arrived to the 25cm point, stopped the stopwatch and recorded the time
7. Step 6 was repeated on each 50cm point, 75cm point and 100cm point
8. Step 4-6 were repeated twice more
1 desk
4 books
1 stopwatch
1 plastic ball
1 meter ruler
Some blue-tac
Ball Blue-tac
Figure 1: Experiment set-up
9. First, the experiment was set-up as shown in figure 1
10. Then, measured 25cm with the meter ruler to make a point and placed some blue-tac on it
11. Also repeated the points for distance of 50cm, 75cm and 100cm
12. Then the ball was placed at the starting point
13. After that, the ball was released while the stopwatch was pressed to start
14. When the ball was arrived to the 25cm point, stopped the stopwatch and recorded the time
15. Step 6 was repeated on each 50cm point, 75cm point and 100cm point
16. Step 4-6 were repeated twice more
1 desk
4 books
1 stopwatch
1 plastic ball
1 meter ruler
Some blue-tac
Ball Blue-tac
Figure 1: Experiment set-up
17. First, the experiment was set-up as shown in figure 1
18. Then, measured 25cm with the meter ruler to make a point and placed some blue-tac on it
19. Also repeated the points for distance of 50cm, 75cm and 100cm
20. Then the ball was placed at the starting point
21. After that, the ball was