I did the 1 mile walk and my time was 17 minutes and 26 seconds. My heart rate at the end of my walk was 100 bpm. My VO2 max was a 48.72 and for my people are around my age that just ranked in the category of just good.
I was not able to perform the 3 minute step test because of medical reasons.
The benefits of the step test would be that there is not a lot of energy being exerted by the participants. Unlike running, stepping comes natural making this test less challenging people. The people who would benefit most from the step test would be the people who aren’t too physically active in their daily lives and people coming back from a lower extremity injury.
The benefit of the run or walk test is that you will be actually be able to see results the more you do it. This would be beneficial to people who run or walk consistently.
VO2 max is the maximum volume of oxygen that your body is capable of consuming and converting to energy for your working muscles. If you know your VO2 max you will be able to determine if your workouts are good enough, if your body mass is where it should be. You should retest yourself after two months once you have a plan figured out.
Muscular Endurance
For the push-up test I did 38 push-ups. My 38 push-up put in the list of average for people my age. For the curl-up test I did 62 curl-ups and that put me in the category of excellent.
Circuit Strength of Training Equipment
1. Tricep Press
Triceps are being used
Adjust seat level to comfortable height
Rotate handles
Keep back against the mat, elbows close to the body and push down on handles
Do not lock out elbows
Weight Used: 130
2. Tricep Extension
Triceps are being used.
Difference between Tricep Press is whole tricep is being worked
Adjust seat level to comfortable height
Grab on to grips and put your elbow at 90 degrees
Slowly lower by extending elbows
Weight used: 50
3. Incline Press
Muscle Groups worked: anterior deltoid,