[Overtype title of experiment here]
Experiment conducted on [overtype date of experiment here]
Module title: EUC_4_005 Design and Practice
Occurrence Number: [Overtype your occurrence Number here]
Lab Group Number: [Overtype your lab group number here]
Course: [Overtype name of course here]
Student Name: [Overtype your name here]
Student Number: [Overtype student number here]
[overtype month and year here]
London South Bank University
Department of Urban Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment
103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA www.lsbu.ac.uk Contents
The tables of contents for main text, tables and figures below are created by field codes. Do not edit them, but press F9 to update them. This red text is non-printing text
Contents 2
List of Tables 2
List of Figures 2
List of Appendices 2
Summary 3 Chapter 1 Introduction 4
Notes on writing the report 4
Notes on using the template 4 Chapter 2 Apparatus and experimental procedure 6
ApParatus 6
Experimental Procedure 6 Chapter 3 Calculations and results 7 Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion 8 Chapter 5 Conclusion 9
References 10
List of Tables
Table 1.1 This is table title style 5
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 This is figure title style 5
List of Appendices
Type below the Appendix letter and title of appendix for any appendices you have created in the manner as per the example below. If
References: should be in accordance with help sheet 30, available from the following url: http://www.lisa.lsbu.ac.uk/helpsheets/hs30.pdf. * * Appendix A Title of the appendix (For raw data, laboratory observations and detailed calculations). *