Labiaplasty or Vaginal Restorative Surgery
5 Frequently Asked Questions About Vaginal Restorative Surgery or Labiaplasty
1. What causes vaginal problems? Vaginal issues are typically caused by childbirth, aging, and genetics. Women who have had multiple childbirths, especially those who have delivered large babies (about eight pounds or more), are more at risk for vagina problems, especially large labia. Aging, of course, is inevitable, and affects all women differently. Some women's vaginas are fine as they age, but other women need a labiaplasty or other form of surgery to restore their vaginas. For other women, these problems are hereditary and can't usually be prevented.
2. How do I know I am having vaginal problems? There are several signs to watch out for, starting with how you feel physically. Women with large or misshapen labia often experience discomfort when exercising, especially during aerobic activities like running and cycling. Most …show more content…
What other types of vaginal restorative surgery are there? A labiaplasty may solve one woman's problems, but not another's. This is completely fine; there are other procedures surgeons perform to address different needs a woman may have. Vaginoplasty is also fairly common and is used to correct the vaginal canal. Other women need a clitoral unhooding, which removes excess prepuce tissue, and still others have a hymenoplasty done, which surgically restores the hymen. Each of these procedures have been clinically proven to improve a woman's vaginal problems without causing a lot of scarring. As technology and gynaecologist expertise continue to improve, surgeries are becoming more and more successful, and recovery times are speeding up as a