Demonstrator: Encik Zamrut Daunar
Date (and venue): 28 July 2010 (Basement)
Aim: To crush, split, and grind solid sample rock for preparing rock powder.
1. To learn the techniques and mechanisms of preparing rock powder; which will be used as a sample for Bernas Bomb and XRF/ XRD techniques. 2. To know the processes and machines used in the rock crushing and sample preparation.
Apparatus/ Machine: Hammer, face helmet (or goggles) and mask, rock powder container, plastic bag, spoon, gloves, labelling sticker and pen, cleaned Jaw crusher and TEMA Mill (i.e. laboratory disc mill).
Material: Sample rock of Granite and Sandstone (hand specimen), Acetone.
1. A piece of rock is selected (based on required size), cleaned and dried. 2. Using a sledgehammer, the selected rock sample is knocked into an approximately 5 to 10 cm in size (pebble-sized). For a hard rock (i.e. granite), a bigger sledgehammer is used while a smaller hammer is suitable for an easily breakable rock such as sandstone. 3. Coarser pieces of rock sample are kept in a plastic bag and labelled as (A). This sample can be used as a reference later. The remainders are placed into the jaw crusher before the machine is switched on. A person had to ensure that the remaining sample represents the whole rock (i.e. hand specimens). 4. After a few minutes of crushing, a little chunk of crushed rock is placed into a new plastic bag and labelled as (B). 5. The rest is taken out and placed into TEMA Mill in order to grind solid sample into powder form. In specific, rock sample is placed into a steel mould and for safety measure it is locked tightly in the grinding chamber (due to high vibration produced by an operated mill). It is left for about a minute. 6. Finally, the end powdery product is kept in another plastic bag and labelled as (C). This rock powder is