
Labour Party Socialism

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Labour Party Socialism
Is the Labour Party a socialist organization?

In order to effectively answer the title question, this paper will delve into the roots of; firstly socialism then the Labour Party. After the core ideals have been discussed, this paper will highlight the comparisons which are evident between the concept of Socialism and the reality of the Labour Party. There are many forms of socialism, each differ in their ideals ranging from communism on the extreme left of the political spectrum to democratic socialists who can be found just left of centre (Budge et al, 2007). It would be wrong then, to tar all socialists with the same brush as not all are the stereotypical Marxist revolutionaries, indeed some schools of socialist thought have had a heavy
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During this period, the definition of socialism has changed along with the changing face of society (Clore, 2008). In order to avoid confusion whilst answering this paper’s title question, a traditional definition is offered thus, socialism …show more content…

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