
Lack of Corporal Punishment

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Lack of Corporal Punishment
EN 102
April 21, 2012. Lack of Corporal Punishment Ever seen a young child yelling or saying inappropriate things to a parent, and all the parent could do was to tell the child to stop speaking that way? It is a sad reality to see a child disobeying or talking back to his or her parents while being corrected for his or her misconduct. Where has the respect gone? Many parents and researchers are puzzled on why the issue of child misbehavior is getting worse year after year, and what can be done to stop or reduce child misbehavior. Lack of corporal punishment not only affect parents, but also many teachers around the United States who experience child insults each day from their students. Most experience verbal insults and few experience physical assault. What has the society turned into where parents and teachers are not allowed to discipline their children in the same manner they the parents and teachers were raised? The use of Corporal punishment has been and is still being prohibited in many countries around the world, since the late 1970s, and this decision is leading to many negative effects. Many children nowadays are getting involved in lots of wrongful acts, such as murder, rape, robbery, vandalism, drug abuse violation, DUI, and so many more crimes, and are being sent to jail to pay for these acts. Has the lack of corporal punishment changed the younger generations? And what can be done to reduce or stop child misconducts?”
First, what is coporal punishment?
Corporal Punishment is a physical punishment used against a child in response to a wrongdoing. This is done in a form of spanking with hands or an object, smacking, slapping, or even ear twisting.

The United Nations (UN) and the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) argued that all forms of corporal punishment be stopped as regard to the child’s mental and physical health. They advocated protecting children from all forms of Physical and mental violence, including physical

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