What Condition Influence The condition which influences the demand of industrial properties that has exceeded supply is the Malaysia Government's commitment to maintain a positive business environment is conducive to the growth and profitability of the company's opportunity. In addition, effort that government done to support business activity have included a decrease in the corporate tax rate to 25% (2009) and the maximum individual tax rate to 26% (2010), along with tax incentives for developed projects, such as Pioneer Status, venture tax allowance, incentives for high technology industries, reinvestment allowance, strategic projects and the institution of international operations. In a nutshell, lack supply of industrial properties was caused by well development of industry thus generate overwhelming demand of industrial properties.
What are the consequences of The consequences of overwhelming demand caused housing developers capitalizing on the massive growth of the residential market because of the strong competition for land. Therefore, capital values have increased as much as 50 per cent and rental rates by 20–30 per cent over the past four to five years according to Tew who is also